Fu Wenjun

Fu Wenjun, Chinese contemporary artist, was graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He creates principally through the art media of conceptual photography, installation, sculpture and oil painting, and has put forward the concept of “digital pictorial photography”.

His works embody his thinking and reflection on many issues related to the Eastern and Western history, culture and humanity, including the relationship between different cultures in the age of globalization, the heritage of traditional Chinese culture in a rapidly changing society, industrialization and urbanization in Chinese cities.

He has presented solo exhibitions at the Museu Europeu de Arte Moderno (Barcelona), the National Art Museum of China (Beijing), the Old Summer Palace (Beijing), at the Today Art Museum (Beijing), at the United Nations Headquarters (New York), at the Guangdong Museum of Art (Guangzhou) and at other international art organizations. His works are exhibited at significant international exhibitions, such as the Triennale dell’Arte Contemporanea, the 1st Asia Biennial/5th Guangzhou Triennial, the XVIII Bienal de Cerveira, NordArt, the collateral exhibition of Biennale di Venezia 2013, entitled Voice of the Unseen Chinese Independent Art 1979/Today.

He has gained numerous awards, including the first prize from International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Argentina, “The Best Artist in the World” at Tour Eiffel La GrandeExposition Universelle, International Award “Lorenzo il Magnifico” of XFlorence Biennale.

His artworks are colected by Museu Europeu de Arte Moderno, National Art Museum of China, Today Art Museum, the Old Summer Palace Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Kennedy Family, World Council of Peoples for the United Nations, Dazu Grotto Museum, Chongqing Art Museum, Guangdong Museum of Art, Société Nationale des Beaux Arts of France, Egypt Ahmed Shawki Museum and other significant organizations and collectors.




Selected Solo Exhibitions

“Fu Wenjun: Ways of Xieyi Presented in Digital PictorialPhotography”

Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (Chongqing, China,2017)

“Introspection of Soul. Artistic Expression in the Digital Pictorial Photography of Wenjun Fu”

(Museu Europeu de Arte Moderno, Barcelona, 2017)

“Harmony in Diversity: Fu Wenjun’s Digital Painting Photography Exhibition”

(National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2017)

“Thoughtful Images — Fu Wenjun’s Abstract Photography Exhibition”

(Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2015)

“Photographic Narrative — Fu Wenjuns’ Conceptual Photography Solo Exhibition

(United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA, 2015)

“Graphic Expression of Spirit”

(The Old Summer Palace Museum,Beijing, 2010)

“Showof Formality”

(Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2010)

Selected Collective Exhibitions


ARTMUC, Munich (Germany)


World Art Dubai, Dubai World TradeCenter, Dubai (UAE)

“Premio Ligures”International Art Exhibition, Castello San Giorgio di Lerici, Lerici (Italy)

Biennale delle Nazioni, la ScuolaGrande della Misericodia, Venice (Italy)

International Contemporary MastersExhibition, Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas (USA)

Art Palm Beach, West Palm Beach(USA)


International Moving Exhibition ofFamous Chinese Artists, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St Petersburg (Russia)

EsposizioneTriennale di Arti Visive a Roma, Rome (Italy)

London ArtBiennale, London (UK)

BiennalePescheria del Garda, Pescheria del Garda (Italy)

Biennale Internazionaled’Arte del Mediterraneo, Palermo (Italy)

2017 International MastersExhibition, Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas (USA)

Clio Art Fair, New York (USA)


3rd International Biennialof Contemporary Art of Argentina, Buenos Aires, (Argentina)

2016 PremioArte Roma, Museo Archeologico Stadio di Dominizio, Rome (Italy)

Art Yellow Book Artists GroupExhibition, CICA Museum (Korea)

Villa Pisani National Museum “TheBest Artists in the Museum”, Villa Pisani National Museum (Italy)

Triennale dell’Arte Contemporanea, Verona (Italy)

Peninsula Fine Arts CenterBiennial 2016, Peninsula Fine Arts Center (USA)

International Fine Art CannesBiennale 2016, Cannes (France)

The Working of Non-FigurativeSystem, Right View Art, Beijing (China)

Art and Science Award Exhibition,Art and Science Museum, Milan (Italy)

BiennaleRiviera del Brenta, Venice (Italy)

IAFwarsaw International Art Fair,Warsaw (Poland)

International Exhibition in Homageto Egypt and its Culture, Ahmed Shawki Museum, Egypt

1st Central Europe FineArt Biennale, MAMAG Modern Art Museum, Austria

11th Biennale d’ArteInternazionale di Roma, Rome (Italy)


1st Asia Biennial/5th GuangzhouTriennial, Guangzhou (China)

X Florence Biennale, Florence (Italy)

2015 Photo Shanghai, Shanghai (China)

Feelings and Temperature – 2015 Chongqing InternationalContemporary Art Exchange Exhibition, Dusseldorf (Germany)

Amsterdam International Art Fair, Amsterdam (theNetherlands)

XVIII Bienal de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal)

Nord Art 2015, Büdelsdorf (Germany)

2015 Head On Photography Festival, Sydney (Australia)

2015 RomArt, International Biennale of Art and Culture, Roma(Italy)

1st Changjiang International Image Biennale, Chongqing(China)

2015 Bienal de Arte Barcelona,Barcelona (Spain)

Milan Image Art Fair (MIA), Milan (Italy)

Art Exhibition of Award Guglielmo II, Modern Art CivicMuseum “Giuseppe Sciortino”, Monreale (Italy)

Biennale di Palermo, Palermo (Italy)


Tour Eiffel La Grande Exposition Universelle, Paris(France)

2nd International Biennial of Contemporary Art inArgentina, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Photo Shanghai, Shanghai (China)

Galerie Bertrand Kass Exhibition at SocietàBelle Arti Verona, Verona (Italy)

Art Innsbruck, Innsbruck (Austria)

MA+D (Miami Art and Design), Miami (USA)

Art Palm Beach, Palm Beach (USA)

MIA (Miami International Art Fair), Miami (USA)


International Heritage Show, Carrousels du Louvre, Paris(France)

Voice of the Unseen Chinese Independent Art 1979/Today,collateral exhibition of Venice Art Biennale 2013, Venice (Italy)


Conceptual Renewal: A Short History of Chinese ContemporaryPhotography, Si Shang Art Museum, Beijing (China)

4th Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art,Guangzhou (China)

15th World Chinese Arts General Meeting, HongKong City Hall, Hong Kong

22nd World Outstanding Chinese ArtistsExhibition, Bangkok (Thailand)

World Chinese Selected Arts Exhibition Committee — theSpirit of the Chinese Cultural Tradition, Emirates Dubai (The United ArabEmirates)


14th World Chinese Arts General Meeting, HongKong City Hall, Hong Kong


“Crossover”— 2010 6th Songzhuang International ArtFestival, Songzhuang, Beijing

Enter the United States of America, Los Angeles/Las Vegas

Salon des indépendants, the Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées,Paris

Welding — International Tour Exhibition of the ChineseContemporary Art in the first ten years of the 21st Century, Gemeentemuseum DenHaag, the Hague

36th Japan AJAC Yokohama International OverseasArtists Exhibition, Yokohama Art Museum, Yokohama


36th Rendez Vous à Paris, the Grand Palais desChamps-Elysées and Musée du Louvre, Paris

35th Japan AJAC Yokohama International OverseasArtists Exhibition, Yokohama Art Museum, Yokohama

1st 798Beijing Biennale, Beijing

4th Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu (China)