Shazia Jaffery

My basic belief is that creativity is an expression of the God within, in my paintings; I am looking for spiritual significance in ordinary people and objects. That is why I explores the human experience and have always been fascinated by the human condition. We all fell. The challenge ist o glean some meaning from all of artist stament those feelings. How we react to situations is what makes us uncommon; what makes us each unique. I explore this thought in my works. I often combine objects out of context. I enjoy creating through objects and figures sometimes words. My particular challenge ist o communicate the emotions, situations, myths and experiences of a human life.

1998   Group  exhibition  by  young  artists  in  awami  markaz  karachi  Pakistan.

1999   Group  exhibition  by  final  yr  students  in  Karachi  school  of  arts  karachi  Pakistan. 2000   Group  exhibition  in  Sheraton  Hotel  Karachi  Pakistan.

2000   Group  takhti  themed  exhibition  in  V.M  Art  Gallery  Karachi  Pakistan.

2001   Group  exhibition  in  V.M  Gallery  in  Karachi  Pakistan.

2012   DIAC  (dubai  international  art  center)  members  group  exhibition.  Dubai

2014   Group  exhibition  in  the  Gallery  of  light  DUCTAC.  Dubai

2015   Parcipating  artist  in  THE  BIG  PICTURE  DUBAI  group  exhibition.  Dubai

2015   Participated   (paintings   and   poetry)   in   various   group   exhibition   under   the

management  of    “Art  for  peace”  (organization)in  Pakistan  to  help  poor  kids.

2017   Participated  in  WORLD  ART  DUBAI

2017   Group  exhibition  in  FN  Design  in  Alserkal  avenue  Dubai.

2017   Group  exhibition  EXTENDED  THOUGHTS  in  studio  seven  gallery  Dubai.

2017   Group  touring  exhibition  throughout  Pakistan  under  PNCA.

2017   Participated  in  an  Art  auction  under  TCF  and  Poetic  Strokes.

2017   Group  exhibition  SHARE  AND  CARE  in  sikka  village  dubai.

2018   Participated  in  WORLD  ART  DUBAI.

2018   Group  exhibition  on  international  wome’s  day  in  sharjah.

2018    Group  exhibition  RAMADANIZATION  in  DUCTAC  Dubai.