Soliloquy International Show Berlin

Please click here for the catalogue :

Soliloquy Online Catalogue


BERLIN, 2018


The global event in order to exhibit their works in the form of a monologue reflecting the ethnic nature of international artists!

The correlation between artist identity and social relations will be produced in monologue., ” Soliloquy ” will be an international project which is open to all applications in every technique.
In his book Macbeth, Shakespeare presents a monologue:

‘’Tomorrow,and tomorrow,and tomorrow…….Signifying nothing.’’

What about yours?


Fatmagül Mutlu

Curator of Soliloquy




PLASTIC SOUL in BERLIN ! With a particular focus on performance art practice, the session will explore themes of plastic soul as soliloquy, creativity, artistic production, spectacle and, perhaps most crucially, the relationship between artist and life. The session will unpack these ideas through the exhibited works, and those of various seminal choreographers from Kadriye Gül through to Fatmagül Mutlu. In exploring these topics, participants will look at the wide field of performance plastic art in description of body, as well as relevant ideas from artistic production.



A  Soliloquy
A inner dialogue
Talk to mirror and cross the universe of artist
Dive to your soul
Watch the movie of memories
Listen your heart
Your emotions take alive and color your world Bubble of inspiration and inner dialogue
Be a part of this world


[box type=”download” align=”alignleft” class=”” width=””]PRICE LIST[/box]